The Vision Behind "Contaminated Paradise"

Paradise, a place of tranquility and peace, is often depicted in art as a realm of perfection and


Over the past weeks, I've had the opportunity to explore the impressive capabilities

Virtual Vision: An Odyssey Across Futuristic City Skylines Through NFT Art

As we dwell in an era defined by exponential technological advancements, we often find ourselves captivated by depictions of the

"Ethereal Encounters": A NFT Series Exploring the Mysterious and the Divine

Immerse yourself in a unique blend of the mysterious and the divine with the NFT series "Ethereal Encounters"

Silent Halls: The Fading Glory of Abandoned Industrial Landscapes

There's an eerie beauty that exists within the husks of industrial architectures once teeming with life, their glory days now faded into obscurity. This magnificence

The Dance of the "Mechanical Butterfly" - An AI Art Series

Art, in its many forms, has always been a mirror for society, reflecting the times we live in, our dreams, our hopes, and our fears. This is beautifully demonstrated

Bridging Nature and Humanity: The 'Organic Portraits' Art Series

Art and artificial intelligence continue to merge in awe-inspiring ways, bringing to life unprecedented creations

A Journey Through the 'Inner Sanctum': Visualizing the Seven Chakras through AI Art

As the world of technology continues to evolve, so too does the realm of art. In this unprecedented era,

AI Meets Rural Nostalgia: The Making of the "Lonely Barn" Art Series

In the transformative world of digital art, the harmonious blend of human creativity and technological capabilities

Exploring Minimal Landscape: AI Art, NFTs, and Minimalist Perspectives

When we think of landscapes, the traditional image that comes to mind is often filled with vivid colors, a broad vista with

"Dissolving Portraits": An Artistic Exploration into AI and NFTs

In January 2023, a new expedition in the realm of digital art was undertaken. This journey, manifested

A Journey into a Psychedelic Wonderland: 'Glowing 'Shrooms'

A Journey into a Psychedelic Wonderland: 'Glowing 'Shrooms' NFT Collection

Transcending Boundaries: Memento Mori Reimagined in the 'Skulls and Red Flowers' AI Art Series

In the world of art, the unending dance between life and death has been a recurring theme across cultures

the Allure of 'Abstract Cityscapes'

"Discover the Allure of 'Abstract Cityscapes' - An AI Art Series on the Rise"

The Serenity of Nature

"Experience the Serenity of Nature: The Captivating AI Art Series 'Calming Landscapes'"

My path to ai art

The experiences I've had with AI image generation over the last few weeks

Mystic Island Collection

Mystic Island Collection

Recently I moved my complete "Mystic Island" collection to Foundation

Beelitz Heilstätten

Beelitz Heilstätten

Beelitz Heilstätten
Fotografien 2008/2009

mystery underwater worlds

mystery underwater worlds

Today I tried the new version of disco diffusion 5.4 and

I sent my AI on a DMT trip

I sent my AI on a DMT trip

I sent my AI on a DMT trip :)

Hero Trees

Disco diffusion: The tree of life and the tree of knowledge


AI artwork with Disco Diffusion

Dramatic landscapes and some castles

I have created several landscapes with Disco Diffusion 5.2, played with different

 AI art

AI art

The last few weeks I've been getting more involved with AI art and trying

Same but different

I've started a new collection on Opensea. Recently, I've been experimenting with the GPT-NEO text AI and

architectural visualization 3D model made with blender

3D work I really like...

Some time ago I´ve started with Blender, basically to

Mer Ka Ba

Mer Ka Ba

I have always been fascinated by spiritual topics and a few years ago I came across the Merkaba Meditation, which I

Diffusion + CLIP

Diffusion + CLIP


first try of creating AI art with a google colab notebook. I used Diffusion + CLIP and entered as text fragments parts

Collecting base material for my trippy graveyard series

Collecting base material for my trippy graveyard series

End of October the weather was simply beautiful, the low sun and the colourful foliage

New Collection on Opensea: Trippy Graveyard

I really like the calm atmosphere that old cemeteries convey. When the hustle and

polaroid kamera und polaroid 669 filme

Polaroid Transfer

Die digitalisierte Welt wurde im Juni 2008 um einen Klassiker ...

Berlin Bizarre

End of 2003 I started working as a freelancer for a

Unreal Engine test project

that ended up as a Bob Ross theme :)

Coming NFT Drops

I arrived in Berlin with a lot of illusions in 2003, which I lost

When I came to Berlin...

When I came to Berlin...

Also accepted on Foundation

Finally I´m also accepted on and minted three more NFTs.

My first NFT ;)

It took me some time to figure out how to make it happen, but now


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